Components and/or Duties


A.  Pastoral Formation Track

SFC members must go through a series of pastoral formation for nourishment and sustenance.  This is very crucial to their growth as individuals and empowerment as servants in the ministry.

B. Households / 1 to 1s

Household meetings are the best venue for an SFC member to receive basic pastoral nourishment and guidance. There should be at least 2 household meetings per month, as well as one fellowship.

In addition, household heads also have the important responsibility to conduct 1 to 1s with their members regularly.  1 on 1s are very important in discussing intimate matters with the members, especially issues which members are not yet open to discussing within a group.

C. Prayer Assemblies

There are monthly prayer assemblies and monthly teaching assemblies for General Membership. It should be Chapter based. Any prayer assemblies above the Chapter level are not encouraged. There may be assemblies in other levels (Cluster, Sector) but they should be few and far between. since our chapter is relatively small we combine our Prayer Assemblies with the local CFC.

SFC Houston joins with the local CFC and YFC Chapters for their General prayer assemblies, though it is not required for us to attend, it is encouraged.

D. Leadership Training / Chapter Teachings

SFC can come up with these specialized assemblies that cater to specific topics and issues.  Normally, these are conducted as follow-ups to the basic formation track.  Please refer to the Pastoral Formation Track later on in the Manual.

E. Programs

As a way to enhance the ministry, SFC came up with programs for specific functions, such as:
Campus Evangelization
Community Evangelization
Gawad Kalinga
Social Ministries

In addition, SFC also has support functions focusing on certain skills and tasks such as:
Pastoral Formation

F. Fellowships

As a member of the community, we also have monthly fellowships outside our regularly scheduled Households. Although these are not mandatory, we encourage each member to attend.

G. National Conferences

Every summer, SFC USA National hold summer conferences, usually around mid-July to Mid-August. Each conference is held at a different location each year and is hosted by the local chapter. the conferences consist of Talks given by SFC members, adoration, Daily Mass, Volunteer opportunities, and a Fellowship/party night. The Conferences last 3-4 days. Our chapter normally goes either a few days before and/or a few days after to explore the host city.

H. Mentoring

As part of the CFC community, we as SFC members are nurtured/ mentored by the CFC. So in return, SFC mentors to our YFC by becoming their adopted “Kuya (Big Brother)” or “Ate (Big Sister)”.  By doing this we provided emotional support, as well as Physical Support to the youth.



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