Our Philosophy & Covenant


a.    Body as a temple of the Holy Spirit
b.    Proper stewardship of God-given talents
c.    Indissolubility of marriage
d.    Participation in the Life and Mission of the Church
e.    Productive Lives as citizens of the country
f.    Deep personal relationship with Christ using the charismatic dimension of worship


a.    I shall live as a follower of Christ:
b.    I will  work towards  the evangelization  and transformation of my workplace, my family, and my community:
c.    I will be a committed and active member of the CFC SINGLES FOR CHRIST:
d.    I will make myself available to the Lord for service
e.    I will study and seek to grow as a Christian person:

With all this input, it may be overwhelming for the “man on the street” to hear. So SFC came up with an easier way to remember all the above information. SFC is…

A Generation of Single Men and Women Experiencing the Fullness of Life and Restoring the World for Christ.

The Official Website of CFC-Singles for Christ Houston