What is CFC-Youth?

CFC-Youth is a family ministry of the Couples For Christ (CFC). CFC-Youth is a Catholic organization, but is open to all Christian denominations. It is a means of renewing young adults and of providing a venue where they can respond to God`s call to holiness. We are open for membership to all youth from 12 years of age to those in their early 20`s.


We in CFC-Youth for Christ believeā€¦

That God is calling everyone to a personal relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.

That this call is not exclusive but shared with all sectors of society, regardless of age, color, nationality, status, and beliefs in life.

That the youth have a very special place in God`s heart, and that they in return have a very deep sense of love for God, and that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is something they desire.

That the youth should embrace their Catholic Christian identity, become closer to the Church and fully understand the Catholic faith by actively being involved with their local parishes.

That the youth look to the Holy Eucharist as the source and summit of their life and in order to fulfill their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

That the youth have a vibrant, energetic, dynamic, and free-spirit nature. Rather than denying this nature and force the youth into a mold that satisfies our own perception of Christianity and holiness, we accept this nature, not curtailing it, but re-channeling, into an active expression and submission and participation to the plan of God.

That the youth realize the need to make decisions in life; but they should also know that as they do, God should always be an inseparable part of these decisions; Knowing also that they are future leaders of the families and societies, we realize that this future depends on how they are molded today as God`s children.

That the youth grow not only from what they receive, but more through what they are able to share with others. That youth are responsible as long as they are given the appropriate amount of guidance.

The Covenant of CFC-Youth

I am a son/daughter of God

I believe I am special because I am a son/daughter of God.

  • I will spend time in prayer where I can grow in loving, honoring, and serving Him.
  • I will learn and grow in living out the ideals and principles of my Lord Jesus.
  • I believe that my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. I will not dishonor the Lord through drunkenness, drugs or immorality.
  • I will participate actively in the life of my Church.

My family is God`s gift to me

I believe that my family is God`s gift to me.

  • I will love, honor and respect my parents in spite of whatever state or circumstance they are in.
  • I believe that my blood brothers and sisters are God`s gift to me. I will strive to grow in unity, love and understanding towards them.
  • I will be a source of healing to whatever brokenness, or hurt my family experiences.

Privilege to Study

I believe that it is my privilege to be studying in my school.

  • I will show my love and loyalty to the Lord and to my school by being a good student.
  • I will take responsibility for my studies.
  • I will respect school authorities for my studies.
  • I will serve my classmates and build good relationships in school.

We are Family

I believe that I belong to the bigger family of CFC-Youth.

  • I will relate in love and loyalty to the brothers and sisters from other schools, cities, province and countries.
  • I will serve the Lord in CFC-Youth in whatever way I can, whenever and wherever the Lord chooses to call me.
  • I will follow the directions of my elders and leaders in CFC-Youth.

Born/Live in this country

I believe that God has a special purpose in allowing me to be born/live in this country.

  • It is my privilege to love, honor and serve my country.
  • It is my duty to obey and respect the laws and authorities that God has placed over me.
  • It is my responsibility to preserve and protect the environment.

7 Pillars of CFC-Youth

  1. Be Single-Minded for God
  2. Be a Champion of the Poor
  3. Be 100% Pure
  4. Be a Source of Unity in the Family
  5. Be a Model of Excellence
  6. Be Patriotic
  7. Be a Missionary