CFC-Youth for Christ was established in the Philippines in 1991 as a limited pilot program under CFC, which was then only outreach to married couples. In 1993, CFC became an independent organization and created the CFC Family Ministries, YFC among them. Actively participating in CFC’s work of evangelizing families, YFC also spearheaded the initial efforts of what would become Gawad Kalinga (GK), an organization that uses a Christian approach in attempting to solve poverty in the Philippines and other countries.

CFC-Youth (CFC-Y) is the official name of CFC-Youth for Christ in the United States. It has a nationwide presence as a youth ministry under Couples for Christ in various U.S. Dioceses. In the U.S., CFC-Youth USA is divided into six regions, Northwest, Southwest, North Central, South Central, Southeast, and Northeast.

CFC-Youth Houston has been around the greater Houston, TX area since 1997. It is part of the South Central Region. Through the years, CFC-Youth Houston has helped guide and transform countless young adults to become true Men and Women of God. In 2006, Houston was given the privilege to host the 12th Annual CFC-Youth USA National Leader’s Conference at the University of Houston. Like most CFC-Youth areas across the US, Houston has followed in the trends where the younger generation continues to take its place in the ministry. Currently, the Area’s membership is strong and growing.